Monday 21 November 2016

I'm Back! (In England and the Blogging World!)

So, I think this is possibly my third post declaring my determination to work on this blog more! Lets hope it's also the final one! Only a few short blog posts ago I was adamant that now I had finished university and I was heading off on my travels again that I was going to give this blog a new lease of life; documenting my time travelling and making it something I was proud of.

Unfortunately the crazy, hectic, exhausting and incredibly fun lifestyle of travelling kind of got in the way.

Turns out I'm not one of those people to balance travelling and "work" very well. Preferring to live in the moment and spend down time catching up with friends and family back home, meeting and connecting with new people and catching up on much needed sleep means my poor blog has sadly become neglected.

On the 4th August I wrote an excited post about how I was headed off travelling for three months; one month travelling Thailand, on month teaching English in Thailand and one month revisiting Australia to explore some more of my favourite country.

I planned to upload a number of posts that I was already working on about Italy, Spain and France while I was away, and then write about Thailand and Australia when I returned to England. Regrettably, in my entire three months away I only managed to upload one measly Paris photo diary (I know, I know, so shameful)!

But now I am back home and full of stories to tell and tips and tricks to share from my time away (not to mention those Europe posts still waiting to be finished!!)

So to kick things off, here are a few photos of what I have been up to since I last checked in in August, with more detailed posts to come soon. (I really do promise this time!)

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